Fire By Night

Fire By Night

Here at Bethel “House of God” the focus of our youth ministry is to not just teach bible stories to children, but to train Spirit led Christians. In Exodus 13:21 we read “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light…” This scripture is where Fire By Night Youth Ministries gained it’s name. Our goal is to help our younger generation follow the leading of the Spirit of God in what is seemingly dark times in our world. We want our children to shine the light of Jesus in a way that draws others toward the Father’s Love.

We have implemented Super Kid Academy as our Sunday School and Wednesday Night curriculum. Our Wednesday Night class is one group 6th grade and under while our Sunday school classes are divided into the following age groups:

  1. Our first class is led by Courtney Golden, Courtney Maynard and Kerry Wheeler which is Pre-School and under.
  2. The next class is Kindergarten to 2nd grade, being taught by KayDe Mynhier, Lisa Martin and Jessica Tackett.
  3. The young adults class is led by Jesse Hylton, Michelle Meek, and Sherry Martin.
  4. The Adults class is led by Randy Martin.

We are very blessed to have teachers and helpers who are very dedicated to our vision and compassionate toward our children.

 The first Sunday of each month is Work Zone Sunday. On this day every month Sunday School will be cancelled. Instead of having Sunday School, everyone stays after church for the children to focus on a project either church or community focused. The idea is to train them in the knowledge that ministry is spelled “W.O.R.K.” Past projects have included cleaning around the church flower beds, serving dinner to the church, visiting the nursing home and participating in the packing of our IMO Christmas shoe boxes. The children have greatly enjoyed the projects and we adults have greatly enjoyed seeing how excited the kids are about helping others.

If you have children and are looking for a place to attend, we would love to have the opportunity to share what we have to offer in our Fire By Night Youth Ministries. Thanks for checking us out on BHOGonline and we hope to see you very soon.